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The Libyan situation is a state of stability

The Libyan situation is a state of stability

The Libyan crisis represents many Arab and regional countries, a new situation of signs of stability from the point of view of their importance in terms of economic benefit if the Arab and regional countries can draw new scenarios to address the internal Libyan issue.

The regime of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and Libya have been in constant search for a way out of the internal political crisis until the parties concerned have reached an agreement to form an executive body that will take over public services and prepare for elections before the end of the running year of 2019.

Internal chaos As a result of the political vacuum, the security base, the weakness of ethnic parties, political parties, civil society, and Libyan constitutional institutions, this creates a kind of conflict between some political and military parties to power and rivalry and the spread of foreign-backed militias.

But most importantly, due to the foreign countries that have ambitions and we say ambitions and not interests in one of the most important countries in the world, the largest oil in the continent of Africa, which imposes on the Libyan state major geopolitical problems and makes them experience a state of instability and ongoing internal conflict.

The Libyan crisis is in fact a crisis that has two sides of the single currency that is related to the external conflict on the gains of the Libyan state, which is the regional geopolitical work that links Libya to the outside countries and the other face the internal conflict that belongs to the political and military forces from within.

It has become clear to us that the democratic factor in Libya has not matured and has not yet succeeded in the success of the modern state or rather the new after the fall of the former mass regime, which reduced Colonel Muammar Gaddafi to rule in a personal Libyan politicians could not yet form the Libyan social contract in the establishment of constitutional institutions Libya.

However, it is important to note that the Information Office of the President of the Presidential Council of the Government of National Reconciliation stated a statement on the visit of AFRICOM leader Libya, which comes within the framework of the regular consultation approach adopted by the countries on the latest developments in the internal situation and the commitment of the United States of America to support the National Reconciliation Government.

Let's go back and say that the other side of the currency, which moves towards the plan of UN envoy to Libya Ghassan Salameh to consolidate the democratic process through legislative and presidential elections, paving the way for a national conference within two weeks of time.

Libya has not witnessed a political movement organized under the Libyan constitutional constitution from the inside but witnessed a battle and political opposition from abroad after Colonel Muammar Gaddafi took power to become the sole ruler and legislator and remove the causes of political conflict as they are even after the abolition of the popular rule

The absence of the minimal participation of ethnic and political parties and strong city societies further erodes the internal conflict between the political forces, leading to the emergence of armed organizations and armed groups along the Libyan geography and loyalties to governments on both sides of the political dependency.

The concept of real citizenship warns those who enjoy the constitutional contract of the Libyan state, which leads to the success of the project of the new Libyan state in the establishment of real morals in Libya, and therefore the natural resources of Libya is a common resource of the Libyan nation and must be exploited by national institutions to reform the Libyan situation.

But increasing the size of external interventions and the influence of the regional state conflict and polarization it is using increases the scope of internal conflicts, the continuing chaos and the decline in the imposition of stability at present, which leaves the Libyans unable to reconcile themselves to the line of full cooperation between them.

The motives of the Libyan crisis and many years after the fall of the former regime is the role and absence of the unified Libyan institutions of Al-Khazraj as a political platform in which parties and institutions of civil society play important political and social work for the Libyan society.

Libya is at a very important stage and the Libyans are looking for a state of political stability and security of the Libyan state and the restoration of their fate within the scope of the Libyan Constitution, which works to unify the Libyan society under its misguided far from the accumulation of arms in the country and smuggling and the spread of corruption in the Libyan state.

The conclusion is that the continuation of the status quo carries great risks and external interference in the internal situation and the internal political parties do not accept each other and the realization that the former mass regime has gone irrevocably. The current situation is a new system that works to annex the Libyans under one tent.

Writer. Ramzi Halim Mavrakis

Businessman - Libyan political and economic analyst.

Resident in the United States of America

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