The future of Libya... Extends beyond the dispute over the concept of political conflict
The future of Libya... Extends beyond the dispute over the concept of political conflict
The dispute has again surfaced over the concept of political conflict on the political scene. UN envoy Ghassan Salama has decided to delay the preparation of this year's national assembly until further support is received from the rival parties.
And certainly the struggle for power, it may be an old concept between the political parties in conflict with power in the Libyan state, a concept of origin is repeated.
It’s repeated in the words of "partisan is a kind of betrayal “is an action of betraying one’s regime, or that "partyism abortion of democracy”, the adherence to a political party or organization is punishable by law.
The factor of the renaissance of the Libyan state is very important for the participation of Libyan political factions, including national parties, with political, economic and social programs that are at the forefront of cultural developments in the concept of political participation and peaceful exchange.
However, this year's ambiguity requires the participation of civil society and political parties in the institutions of the modern Libyan state, and the work of raising the country. However, unfortunately, the political decline in Libya and the assertion of the criminalization of the party once again have surfaced on the political front.
The history of the decline and fall of national action in Libya was embodied in the past political regimes and did not have the goal of national political will and adoption of the concept of constitutional legitimacy in peaceful conflict and peaceful deliberation to stabilize the private interest of national interest.
Ideological work consists of the opinions, ideas, beliefs and philosophies of various groups in Libya to identify any political system in which the details of the elections and form the system either a parliamentary system or constitutional presidential system.
The objective definitions within the scope of the Libyan Constitution are the basis of definitions in the political systems adopted by the Libyan society as a fact that is not outside human rights in determining its destiny and its choices and to participate in its performance in accordance with the permanent constitution in the Libyan state.
In fact, the goal is to warn against the occurrence of the disaster that Libya once experienced in contemporary public thought, which takes the Green Book in a coherent and integrated steps and distancing the party ideology which was about the concept of popular authority through popular congresses and popular committees.
In the light of the back-and-run background and considerations are working to postpone the permanent constitution in the Libyan state and further participation of political parties and civil groups exercise party work through the highest law in the country.
It is a political stage of implicit satisfaction in state behavior and criticism of party work, and criticism where the rights of political participation have been disregarded by constitutional institutions in recent years to take a different dimension and vice versa.
We believe that political realism is homogeneous in society in general and is governed by objective laws that have roots in human nature in order to improve society. It is necessary first to understand and enforce the laws of society to prevent preference for a group over others.
Since Libya did not have substantive laws for politicians, political parties involved in the political system were unable to establish a stable relationship with Libyan society to express their domestic political and economic programs.
However, the goal that existed for many years during the political system in the Jamahiriya was in the process of exclusion and exclusion, a province that has a political setback in the peaceful rotation of constitutional power.
Libya has never found its way around international politics to give meaning to the reality of the world of nations in terms of the attention given by the concept of power in Libya and the build-up of the weapons that were accumulating in the country through an arsenal of weapons that had been imported by billions of dollars from the Soviet Union.
After the Libyan elite found themselves besieged and in a study of facts external aggression has been isolated, and this is not enough to give meaning to their presence in the raw materials of political decision-making today and the actual work of foreign policy performed by the expected results of the mass political system, .
But political realism at the time can not be compared to contemporary political conditions under Libya's modern policy of stabilizing the outside world and renewing international relations with the countries of the world.
The Libyan economic downturn after the Libyan revolution is also a warning story. The Accord government has appealed to parties and foreign institutions to work on the way out of Libya's economic crisis and to reflect on the tragedies of the Libyan people and the economic crises associated with the political crisis.
The ability to cope with the economic crisis is very weak. Libya has lost so much of its magnanimity that it is difficult for the national reconciliation government to differentiate between domestic politics and conflicts between the conflicting political poles between East and West.
Despite years of promises to find solutions to political and economic conditions, UN Special Representative Ghassan Salameh, whose briefing to the UN Security Council on the situation in Libya is not satisfactory to many Libyan lovers in the eastern region.
The southern region is still the heart of Libya, which stretches to nearly one million square kilometers, where many of the country's natural resources from water and oil to full neglect offer opportunities to increase the Libyan state diamonds empty on the thrones.
We must be realistic. Political action organized through a permanent constitution inevitably leads to the unity of unity, territorial integrity and unity of the people between east and west and south. The efforts of the United Nations will not succeed in the absence of a united and unified Libyan national leadership leading to the unification of Libyan constitutional institutions.
Emphasis on the work of political parties and civil society through the constitutional Libyan and more attention to human rights and is meant here and mainly those who did not stain their hands with the blood of the Libyans mainly in political participation and the resolution of the Libyan political conflict.
Freedom of expression is the freedom of Libyan citizenship, which is a duty of the permanent constitution of the legitimate Libyan state, which falls within the scope of the expansion of freedoms and political party work and participation and giving for the establishment of the state of Libya, which is in line with the beliefs of the Libyan people in the Islamic faith.
There is no doubt that the Islamic religion has implications for the lives of individuals in Libyan society. Today we are in a conflict with life. We are concerned about how to apply the true religion of Islam without stopping in the way of the obstacles facing the Libyan society from deviations from the Islamic faith.
Therefore, when we speak about the political system in Libya, especially the civil order, by its very nature, human beings live in the midst of a humanitarian group, which creates social relations of a respectful and cooperative nature that are not infused with violence and aggression because they are accused of violating the rights and freedoms of others in the same community.
Written by Ramzi Halim Mavrakis
Businessman - Libyan analyst, politician and economist
Resident in the United States of America